Bacardiâs switch to PET bottles has caught the attention of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), who fully supports Full Automatic Sandwich Cake Production Line this eco-friendly change. PET bottles appeal to environmentally conscious consumers while reducing greenhouse emissions during production. Instead, it is just a lighter material that helps the environment by reducing waste and carbon emissions. Why PET Bottles are the Answer Bacardi Canadaâs new PET bottles will still be shaped the traditional Bacardi way, like a champagne bottle, so consumers will not have to get used to a new look from Bacardi Breezers.. Bacardi Canada has produced glass bottled drinks exclusively since 1988, but isnât afraid to make the change because of the obvious environmental benefits. PET bottles are much lighter than their glass counterparts, making PET bottles appeal to consumers because they are not only portable and lightweight, but eco-friendly. The amount of waste eliminated from production and the reduction in carbon emissions alone would make a huge difference and make consumers more confident that businesses are taking a valid interest in making environmentally beneficial choices. Bacardi Canada decided to be the first major Canadian brand to exchange glass bottles for PET plastic bottles and convert an entire line of products. Bacardi Canada will transform their popular carbonated Bacardi Breezer drinks from glass to green PET plastic. With so many trying to reduce their individual carbon footprint by making lifestyle changes, buying drinks from a company who truly cares about the environment will be an easy decision. No wonder the LCBO is not only onboard with Bacardi Canadaâs change, but is encouraging other beverage companies to follow suit. Bacardi Breezers bottled in PET bottles will reduce Bacardiâs carbon footprint by a whopping 22 percent, which is just the beginning. The LCBO conducted studies on switching from glass bottles to PET bottles and determined that Bacardi Canada will reduce waste by 90 percent. But the change will likely be a success, especially since so many consumers are onboard with green incentives. Reducing Bacardiâs Carbon Footprint With PET Bacardi Canada realized that the best way to decrease production waste and significantly reduce their carbon footprint on the earth was to switch from glass bottles to polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles. Imagine the environmental benefits should more companies make the change from glass to PET bottles. Itâs always good when a company is the first to implement a desired, environmentally friendly change. As production continues, Bacardi could discover additional ways to increase this number. Bacardi Canada feels the environmental effects are worth the change and are confident that consumers will appreciate the new material and its eco-friendly nature. The potential eco-friendly benefits that will occur far outweigh any hesitations that Bacardi Canada might have felt in making such a drastic change to an entire line of beverages. The Bacardi Breezers line is the perfect place to implement this change because it is ready to drink right out of the bottle, meaning Breezers are chosen for parties, outdoor events and wonât weigh down anyone bringing some to an event.


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Customer is King and the feed back of customers is utmost important to the success of any company. New food product development has to be done with care and perfection. Calculating the cost of the product to be launched is the next vital step. Life style has become more hectic and people have less time to spend preparing nutritious food. The second part consists of items which are not totally new but updated or improved forms of an already open product. It is a procedure which takes much investigation and lots of time on the part of companies concerned. New food product development is done by conducting market research to know what exactly consumers require. All of us are particular about the brand of the item we purchase. They keep their eyes open to read consumer pulse and fulfill their requirements instantly. The profits, success and maintainability Full-automatic Bear Cake Production Line of a firm depend on the introduction of new products. The quality may be good, but the consumer tastes must have changed. Shrewd and successful manufacturers know the importance of new product development. The requirements of human beings are susceptible to change. Changes are inevitable in all spheres of life. Here you have to upgrade the product according to public demand or create new products to meet the new requirements. The first part consists of bringing new products to market, which has fresh and new uses for the products. If we consider our food habits, we can notice a great change in the recent past. Every thing needed to promote products had to be done without fail. Without proper advertisements you cannot reach out to customers. Advertisement is vital for the success of all products. Every product fails to impress consumers after a certain point of time. What is good for today is not enough for tomorrow. Food companies need capable management methods to make the process successful. New product development is divided in to two parts. It is important a new product should have an impressive brand design that catches attention. The idea has to be then switched to a concept. Our food, clothes, food habits, leisure, all are subject to change.. Research is again conducted to understand the characteristics of the item and its viability. The company after doing a lot of research to know the consumer needs finally decides on an idea. Before the production of the new product begins, a final assessment of expense, production requirement and resource availability has to be conducted. New product development is easier said than done. The circumstance calls for new food product development. Ready made products have emerged in large scale and there is a wide variety of junk food. It is marketed and modifications which are necessary are made. Discussions on food, food products, management of food products, consumer demands etc has to be conducted during different levels of production, to get beneficial results. What is new product development? Why is it necessary to create new products? Once a company creates a quality product why should they create improved versions or brand new versions of the same product? The answer is simple. Change is a process that is natural and expected. After the assessment of the item a sample is produced.

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